The project

a trip into deep space

The origin of all life is the sun. Without this star there would be no life on our earth. No dinosaurs, no Homo Sapiens, no great wall in China and Rome would never have been built. The internet did not exist and never would anyone have had the idea of blockchain.

We also know about many other stars in the universe, know their size and mass. Have knowledge of whether planets orbit them and how far they are from us. But actually we do not know much. Is there similarly impressive evolution elsewhere? Maybe.

Up To The Stars puts the next 200 solar systems to the sun in focus. Starting with Proxima Centauri and ending with
Gliese 105 A. Between these stars are 19.1769 light years. Hard to imagine for a human being what this would mean in miles...


The balloons

Each star of the project is represented by 5 bright shining balloons and has a specific color. The color spectrum covers 360 degrees. With 200 stars there is one color for every 1.8 degrees of the spectrum.

Just like real stars balloons are round, float and fascinate people in their own unique way. All of them are drawn on the computer. They are graphic elements and as such artificial. They may symbolize the metaverse. A space that exists but cannot be materially grasped. A man-made, digital object of infinite range. So far, we know of no limits here. We are probably only at the beginning of a development whose progress no one really knows.

When we think of outer space, we also think of phenomena like lightning, fog, eruptions, icy cold and dense vapors or clouds. These elements were taken up in the project and in this way each star was given 5 appearances. A quintet of sensations. These natural spectacles are unique to each balloon and are another individual feature, in addition to color.


The chains

All balloons are attached to a chain. The chain can be seen as a symbol of the blockchain. It is created by humans and therefore provides the connection to the material world. The chains in the project are part of our world. They are real existant and have been photographed and digitized and merged with the balloons. In total, just like the natural phenomena inside the balloons, there are 5 different appearances. From a simple cord to a rainbow as the rarest one. In between there are many variations and a few special features.

The chains pick up the NFT typical rarities. Even though this is primarily an art project, we wanted to pay tribute to the pfp collections that were typical at the time. More than anything, they represent the early days of NFTs and we like those attributes. Regardless, each star is a work of art in its own right that we would say has a place on our walls and is not just a speculative item with no long-lasting value. This project is timeless and to be seen as an art project many years from now.

In addition to the rarities, we have added classic data. These vary from star to star and include distance from the Sun, diameter and mass relative to the Sun as well as the constellation in which they are located. While Proxima Centauri has its place in the Centaur constellation and is 4.2421 LY away from the sun, Gliese 105 A has a distance of 23.419 LY and belongs to the Whale.



Now we wish everybody a lot of fun with our project!

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